by James T. Crouse on February 3, 2011

in Helicopter Safety

The start of this analysis must be the International Helicopter Safety Team (IHST) and its web site.

The IHST was created in 2004 by manufacturers, operators, government agencies and NGO’s to slow the increasing rate of helicopter accidents.  The accident rate amont all other aircraft modes was decreasing, and this group set out to find out how and why helicopters were different – and to reverse the trend.

The IHST studied helicopter accidents, produced its findings, and subsequently issued recommendations for reducing the helicopter accident rate.

A synopsis of this effort and results to date can be found in the words of Dave Downey.  Dave is now VP of Safety at Bell Helicopters, but at the time was the manager of the FAA’s Rotorcraft Directorate.

To get the full reports from the IHST, go to its web site on the right hand side under the heading “IHST JSAT Reports,” which is the analytical work done by the Joint Safety Analysis Team.  It is thorough, well-written, and it is the most complete analysis of a helicopter accidents done in the United States to date.

But this hasn’t stopped the accidents – yet.  The crashes continue.  In future posts, we’ll look at the IHST’s work, and that of other organizations, and give out thoughts why crashes continue – and what we believe is necessary to stop them.

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